Our methodology

Creating high-quality software is no accident. By applying technologies & practices from computer science, project management, engineering & other fields, our software methodology repeatedly produces the results our clients expect. Utilizing our proven "FMF" Methodology, we can consistently define, design, develop & deploy high-quality custom software applications. To read more about our "FMF" Methodology, click the numbers below.

Lending Solution

Lending Solution includes three modules, Loan Origination - Loan Management - Collections.

For your loan officers and underwriters, using Durian Lending Solution simply means closing more loans in less time. Durian Lending Solution enable lenders to increase sales, improve operational efficiencies, enhance service levels, improve communication and reduce origination cycle time...

Loan Origination

Considered the First Line of Business Flow that is accurate, timely, and reliable.

Customer who has to wait for loan approval can walk away from your point-of-sale to try a different dealer.

In such a highly competitive environment like Vietnam and Cambodia, offering fast, superlative customer service while controlling risk is very important. LOS provides realtime service to your POS...

Loan management

Designed to give your lending business the power of unmatched control. Empowering your front desk to swiftly, efficiently and independently address virtually any lending related customer need, however complex it may be.

LMS it's the only way to live up to the expectations of today's customer.
LMS module tracks and manages the repayment processes. It includes monitoring of receivables...


In Lending, customer credibility is critical. With DURIAN Collections by your side, you have the power to screen and monitor customer track records like never before. You'll wonder how you ever managed without it!

Collections system focus on the tracking and management of delinquent borrowers. the system helps to queue up cases based on borrower risk profile and then allocate the cases to...